Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I should have a demonstration to do for teaching yoga, soon. I picked a classical sequence called Anga Laghavan, because it's pretty typical of the style of yoga I do; it's supposedly one of the best general sequences for being right in the middle of the road, both cooling and energizing. It builds up to a sun salutation in the middle, but after, it's got almost entirely cooling poses on the floor.

I suppose the women I'm going to do it for might want a more athletic style, but I do the style I enjoy/prefer; I could emphasize more warming if they want that, and will have to just read them as best I can and wing it, but we'll see. I'm feeling pretty confident about the whole idea, though; the idea of working within a true community-center is really energizing to me. And having a yoga-space with a fireplace would just be awesome.

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