Saturday, December 27, 2008

dang teens

Are actually fine, really. I certainly get better what they say about learning from teaching others; for example, I was reminded of how tight I was as a teenager, simply from any lack of knowledge of any stretching at all. Luckily, I had a kind of mini-awakening at one point about that almost-painful at times stiffness, I remember the moment in the house on Water St, and later a girlfriend was kind enough to get me over my macho crap and get me to do a yoga video. Not sure if I'll get the same into these kids, but it's all interesting to think about.

Also, I knew on some level but never really realized how intricate weight training can be - you can pretty quickly determine heavy, medium, and light weight classes for a given exercises, and then say within one class light-heavy, medium-heavy, and heavy - I'm kind of curious to see now if there is a fractal effect like in classical yoga, now.

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