Sunday, January 4, 2009

sore pecs for first time in years

Working exclusively on the chest in weight training was an interesting experience. It's interesting how many variations there are for working one muscle. The other interesting bit, though, was that I forgot how working out with weights can completely wear out your body; it's not like bodyweight stuff where you can kind of keep going indefinitely. I tried to do an arm balance after, and couldn't even support myself for a second. Then was vaguely shaky the whole rest of the day. And hungry. Which was good for the big Chinese feast that took up the afternoon, though, heh.

Today I tried out a dance video I bought at Bookman's, after watching Step Up 2 the Streets and pondering whether I could afford a Pima hip hop class. The production values are horribly low, but I was gratified to find out it's not even a workout kind of dance video, but just like a straight up dance class, which is nice, as that's exactly what I wanted. I felt kind of silly at first dancing in my living room, and only got through about a third of the choreography before stopping to avoid overwhelming, but I'm excited to get more of it down, it gets the tapas going and is just challenging enough. Space is a real issue in my living room, and barefeet on the rug kind of hurts; lessons learned. Ah...sad to see a review that says it's "moves from the 90s"...still, better than knowing no moves at all.

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