Sunday, May 13, 2007


Things I need to work on upon setting out to teach a beginning yoga class:
Actually, nevermind, it's basically variations on the same issue, pacing. For one, in the very-beginning context that that particular class had, I would have done well to do several more repititions of each flow or pose; where I was concerned they might become bored, they actually wanted more, so they would be able to build confidence with each try. Also, pausing to add footnotes and sidebars of medical concerns, bits of philosophy and such, can help in giving the class a physical break, in a sense without them realizing it. Which is basically what my teacher was doing with her interjections, thankfully. And slowing down, natch. Yay nervousness. But hey, it was okay, all in all, I think.

Interesting local metaphor: instead of the lotus being representative of the crown-chakra, the saguaro flower was used. Which I could see working in a different way, involving something about the saguaro's far-spreading roots, and it's slow growth...interesting to think about, anyway.

-the middle road, heh

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